This is my bestest friend in
the whole wide world! Her name is Ehricka, and she is such a great friend! I have known her
ever since i started doing volleyball, and i'm so glad we met each other and became great friends! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!!
This is one of my best friends, jenny. She
is soooo much fun to be around, and i love her laugh! She is so pretty...i'm so jealous! lol jk...she is pretty
though! she can always make me laugh, and we always have a great time together. LOVE YA'S!!!!
This is another one of my really good friends, Becky!
She is sooo much fun and is so wild all the time. She can always make me sooo hyper no matter how down or tired i'm
feeling. She's another one of my friends who are amazingly pretty, and im jealous again...*sniffle*...Lol jk!
I met Becky last year on the bus and i'm so glad that we became friends! LOVE YOU 4EVER!!!
This was one of my best friends in the whole wide
world. His name is Tyler, and we were really close! We had so much in common it was crazy! lol he could
always make me laugh; it didn't matter what situation we were in. He moved over spring break last year and he left without
warning. He didn't tell me or any of his other friends, including his girlfriend! I miss him so much, and i wish
him the best wherever he may be right now!!! :)